Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I just got done watching the balance beam competition of the Olympics. Its pretty cool when a nice young lady from the midwestern US in farm country of iowa can be the gold medal winner. What do you think was going though her mind? Unless you train fro an olympic event, how could we know. Did you see her mom in the stands, bawling her eyes out in pride for her daughters acheivements. All the sweat and toil. All the traning hours. All the money. All the dedication to a craft that few of us can even come close to. Any event, winter or summer, in the Olympics, ones that win or even the ones you never hear about, participate in their event giving everything they have, in their event and in their training, have everything to be proud of.
The unfortunate part of the Olympics is that Governments have their dirty little paws in it, tainting it. Politial judging(allegedly), The announcers saying thaat they failed with only a differance of 2 tenths of a point behind, 7/100 in a swimming event, That is what ruins it for me, The constant pressure. but then they do say on the beginning of the program of the field of Competition is fierce.
All in all ild have to say that the Olympics give kids something to strive for, albeit having to give up mosst of your childhood but then all things require a choice somewhere. Phelps in swimming was my favorite story. He had ADHD and picked on in school constantly. What I came away with with his story was that here was a kid with a lot of uphill battles,now sits with his name in the history books and the respect of the Globe. Work always pay off!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Samoyed's warming up

One of my favorite photo's. I took this while doing an internship at the Grand Forks Herald in Grand Forks ND. It was a stretch of 30 belows (not surprising I know) and my car needed a tow-in to get started. I was brought into a dealership in town and while there I noticed these two dogs were in the back of this wagon. The salesman told me that they were outside the door when they arrived to open up. They said that more than likely there all night because of the build up of ice in their paws. They took them in from the cold and blowing snow to warm up and see if they could find their home. They seemed to enjoy the hospitality and food and water. I enjoy the memory because of the hospitality and kindness they should toward these dogs. This was in 1979. A much differant world than we live in today.

Cadillac Mtn

This was taken about 430 am on top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine. As pretty as this is you really need to take it in sometime to realize the scope. Unbelievable distances from that height. We got up from our tent in Acadia Park and drove up the mountain barely making the start of the sunrise. I was pretty new to the world of digital cameras so I'm sure i dropped my rebels life expectancy down a bit on that one sunrise. This is my daughter Amy in the photo, she was nice enough to model for me as she was taking in the scenery.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Obituaries are not like they used to be

I received a copy of an obituary of my Great Grand Mother a while back. The passing of my Great Grand Mother on my grandmothers side was about 1904. If you take the time to read it, and not continue on to the next blog, you'll find the writing and description definitely not like todays Obits.

Obituary from The Grant Oater

Mary Althen Gettman, wife of Peter Gettman, passed away Wednesday morning, August 9th, after a brief, but painful illness. She had been in poor health for several months, but up to within a few hours of her death, no one realized the seriousness of her condition, and her death fell as a crushing blow upon the afflicted husband and children and they are prostrated with grief. She leaves, besides the mourning husband, seven children, four sons, and three daughters. The three oldest being boys, aged 19, 17 and 15. The oldest daughter age 13, and is in feeble health. The youngest child is only 7 years old. The deceased was a woman of noble christian character, and exerted an influence for good in the community where she lived, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. By gentleness of manner and loving kindness and good will toward all, she has endeared herself to many, and her memory will long linger in many hearts. She was married to Peter Gettman at Iowa Falls, on December 28, 1884, and their married life has been unusually happy.
When in 1895 her husband, on account of ill health, was obliged to retire from ministerial labors in the Evangelical Church, the family moved to this vicinity, where they have since resided on a farm. When it became known that her disease was of a serious nature-(a tumor, which had stealthily destroyed some blood vessels, bringing on hemmorhages, from which she died)-friends and neighbors rushed in and all was done that could be to stay the hand of death, but relentlessly the ties, that bound her to earthly relations were severed. As she felt the end approaching, she took leave one by one, after admonishing them to live Godly lives to meet her in heaven. Soon after, she fell in a stupor from which she never awoke.
She was born July 22, 1861, at Two Rivers, Wis., and came with her parents to Iowa, locating near Iowa Falls, in 1872. The funeral occurred Thursday, and the remains were, by her wish, interred in the cemetery near Swea City. An immense concourse of the people of this community, as well as Swea City and Ledyard, followed the remains to their last resting place. Flowers in great profusion, worked into beautiful designs, were sent by many friends.
Rev. C. C. Pfund, of Des Moines, preached her funeral sermon, and was assisted by Rev. F. Wieversick, of Luverne, and Rev. F. Lantow, of Ledyard.
Her father, Anton Althen, and her only brother, John A Althen of Meservey, Iowa, attended the funeral. Her mother preceded her to the spiritual world, eleven years ago. Thus passes one of the most devoted of wives, and loving mothers, and kindest neighbors that ever lived. Peace to her ashes.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lifes Traffic Direction

This morning I had a few moments of "not know which way to go" in this game we call life. Games normally have a thing called rules and objectives. there is a plan or objective... to win or get done before the opposing player. The plan is also to do it within the rules. Driving to work I experienced a couple things; that there is multiple set of rules for each and every driver. Some like to stay under the limit, some over. Some are totally oblivious to the fact that there are others on the road besides THEM. Today i was driving in the right lane, going with the Normal speed or the "flow of traffic" (about 10 over) trying to watch for blending off ramp traffic. Not sure what i did to deserve the bird but for some reason i was deserving the "friendly" gessure.
Isnt the world fast enough, to not worry about the fact that someone is ahead of you, or that they were in YOUR way.
Im happy to move over when i see them coming but sometimes its simply unavoidable to move over at the time they want it. RULES my friends and fellow drivers were also set up for your safety, not to tick you off on purpose.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA)

This is for the people that: first, have never heard of this place in northern Minnesota
Secondly, for those that like photos of water, and lastly for those in Minnesota that want to waste a beautiful area like the
BWCA with putting more motors in it like, snowmobiles, ATV's and larger fishing boats.  I dont know how many thousands of acres it is but it takes in a very large section of the top of Minnesota. I've been up there I think its 6 times, its amazing to see first hand. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lady Liberty

You cant talk about Statue of Liberty without showing her off at least once.

East Coast Photos

This trip was a few years ago but it seems like yesterday. We took it with friends we have known since college. We had started in the twin cities and went to meet them  in Rochester Mn to start the drive out east together. Mn to Pennsylvania then split. they would go to Cape Cod, we would do Liberty and Ellis Island and NY and meet them in Cape Cod before traveling to Maine then Niagra falls, Michigan and back to Minnesota: 2 weeks.
Our Dog had other plans . We had dropped Sadie and Dixie, (our Shitzupoos that think they are rotwiellers) at my sister in laws for the time weld be gone. Sadie decided she must have wanted other accomidations so when janine opened the door with groceries ...boom out the door she bolted. Fortunately we werent far on the trip (2 hrs) so we returned home to help with the search. It took 2 days to find the  little dog. After posters, and lots of looking, coming to grips with the possiblity of not finder her,  my wife and SIL drove by a couple of boys shooting hoops in the yard , stopped and asked if they had seen the little dog and SAID..., sure she is inside. The lad who said it, didnt live there. Im sure they were going to keep her. they had just lost their dog 6 months prior... same breed. Prayer works! 

Anyway, with Dog found, car still packed, and friends 2 days jump on us, we dropped sadie off with ball and chain,(just kidding) ((baby gate with maximum security)) and took off driving straight thru to NY from MINN, witht eh exception of 3 hrs in an OHIO truck stop, (your wayside reststops in Ohio...ROCKS) they are soooo nice. We got to NY, saw ellis island,(last shuttle) took ferry back to landing only wrong landing. It took us to Manhattan Island,(wrong side of bay) we had to run down 1/2 mile to water taxi, which we caught (last one of the day) back to New jersey side. Got back to car, drove straight thru to Cape Cod, MA to meet friends. Memories,,, like the corners of your mind.....Karoke everyone....

These were a couple shots, I believe it was called Portland Lighthouse in Maine, beside it was looking out from said lighthouse.  mountain top was Cadillac Mtn, we got up at 430 to go see the sunrise from there. We were told that the sunrise from Cadillac mtn is the first place in US to see the sunrise. Nice to be ahead of the group for once. The glow was in Acadia Park in Maine.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Acadia Maine

Hands down my favorite vacation Ive ever taken. Memories Gallour. Its my end of the day at work so ill tell later but I could easily live there with no Problem! I think the mosquitoes were larger though.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I mentioned Sonshine in a message before. here is a shot of it at sun down

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Morning Fog or Sunshine?

This was taken early morning over the river valley in Shakopee MN. Digital is pretty cool in that you get to appreciatate your image when you shoot it and when you download it. I do not come close to remembering the image as it is here except in the fact that the sun was trying to burn its way through. A few seconds here and there makes so much differance in the results. I used to think of shooting images as you had to plan everything. Im sorry to say that i think photography has a certain percentage of accidental life in it. There would be no puliter prize winners if the photographers had to plan out there photographs. It would take all the excitement out of it too. Good to have some spontenaity. I think that is how God gives us the WOW factor. If we knew how everything was going to look, how boring that would be.

Start of Summer

Today is 27th of april and I have a Grad party coming up so I thought ild get some stuff done outside. One of which is to get the pool going, its a 18 ft above ground that is currently holding 47 degree water, dirty but water all the same (not ice). Anyway.. I threw the garden hose into the pool and came in to play on the net and look at photos while its filling. I came across this photo from last years Sonshine festival, (an outdoor christian music festival). There is over 100 bands on 5 stages, from kutless and switchfoot to smaller bands few have heard of but quite good all the same. http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa142/brianw_photos/Sonshine%20Music%20Fest%2007/ if your interested in it and you live in Minnesota.

This is probably one of if not the most favorite of the weekend.

History... I was waiting for "Sanctus Real" to start and i saw my daughter up front toward the stage and wanted to get a shot of her up there. there were sooooo many people there it was like threading a needle and these 2 young ladies were inbetween us. It was like Ild move right theyld left and they noticed me trying to shoot, so in an instant they grabbed each other and smiled a pose at me, not thinking ild shoot. It was so fun to see such enthusiasm for Christian music and for God. They had such energy and were having such fun with all there friends and people say that Christians are sticks in the muds and are afraid to have any fun. obviously they have never heard of RED or TFK or (not my choice but some do) Demon Hunter. Skillet, TFK, and DAY OF FIRE are a few of my fav's. There is approx 25000 over 3 days and i would guess half of them camp. I did email the photo to them when i got home and I get a smile everytime i see this shot.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

First time at blogging

Welcome this is my first attempt at "Blogging". Its been fun to see other peoples thoughts written on the net and how they view things so I thought ild give it a shot and learn how to do this by doing.

I have an enjoyment with photography, and a relationship with God and a wish to learn from both. Unfortunately I have a tendancy to expect that both will just come to me automatically without working on either. You have to read from the manuals of both items to learn about them and see what they are to have you do to make a better image. Im working on it.....