Sunday, April 27, 2008

Morning Fog or Sunshine?

This was taken early morning over the river valley in Shakopee MN. Digital is pretty cool in that you get to appreciatate your image when you shoot it and when you download it. I do not come close to remembering the image as it is here except in the fact that the sun was trying to burn its way through. A few seconds here and there makes so much differance in the results. I used to think of shooting images as you had to plan everything. Im sorry to say that i think photography has a certain percentage of accidental life in it. There would be no puliter prize winners if the photographers had to plan out there photographs. It would take all the excitement out of it too. Good to have some spontenaity. I think that is how God gives us the WOW factor. If we knew how everything was going to look, how boring that would be.

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