Friday, May 9, 2008

Lifes Traffic Direction

This morning I had a few moments of "not know which way to go" in this game we call life. Games normally have a thing called rules and objectives. there is a plan or objective... to win or get done before the opposing player. The plan is also to do it within the rules. Driving to work I experienced a couple things; that there is multiple set of rules for each and every driver. Some like to stay under the limit, some over. Some are totally oblivious to the fact that there are others on the road besides THEM. Today i was driving in the right lane, going with the Normal speed or the "flow of traffic" (about 10 over) trying to watch for blending off ramp traffic. Not sure what i did to deserve the bird but for some reason i was deserving the "friendly" gessure.
Isnt the world fast enough, to not worry about the fact that someone is ahead of you, or that they were in YOUR way.
Im happy to move over when i see them coming but sometimes its simply unavoidable to move over at the time they want it. RULES my friends and fellow drivers were also set up for your safety, not to tick you off on purpose.

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